How to Conquer Indecision: 7 Steps That Will Help You Make Decisions When You’re Feeling Uncertain (Includes FREE Downloadable Worksheet)

How to Conquer Indecision: 7 Steps That Will Help You Make Decisions When You’re Feeling Uncertain (Includes FREE Downloadable Worksheet)

"The fear of making a decision is the result of fearing to make a mistake. The fear of mistakes has a greater impact on you than making mistakes." - Bob Proctor Every day, we're bombarded with choices. And every day we make decisions. Decisions are an integral part of our lives, and they directly impact [...]

Inspired Living: 5 FREE Life-Changing Meditations That Will Help You Focus, Gain Clarity and Lead a Happier Life

Inspired Living: 5 FREE Life-Changing Meditations That Will Help You Focus, Gain Clarity and Lead a Happier Life

"The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop letting them control you." - The Age of Enlightenment Having a bad day? Struggling with a personal decision? Looking for more clarity in your life? Feeling stressed? Depressed? Anxious? If you answered yes to any of these questions then there's a simple solution [...]

5 Surefire Ways to Create Urgency and Get Your Life in Order (Even When You’re Feeling Lazy AF)

5 Surefire Ways to Create Urgency and Get Your Life in Order (Even When You’re Feeling Lazy AF)

"Wasting time is robbing oneself." - Estonian Proverb "I want to have an abundance of money, and financial freedom." "I want to travel the world and have new experiences." "I want to be my own boss and create my own business."  "I want to have more time to be with my family and loved ones." [...]

Soul Stories: Your Journey Here & Beyond

Soul Stories: Your Journey Here & Beyond

Before you were born on earth, you were here with us. And your spirit was a lively and adventurous one. When you were here with us, you were an instantaneous manifestor, you could be and do anything you wanted, anytime you wanted . You never lacked — in fact, you didn't know what it was to lack. Read more about your soul's journey now...