Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Do You Experience It?

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“Spirituality is a brave search for the truth about existence, fearlessly peering into the mysterious nature of life.” – Elizabeth Lesser 

Spirituality is defined as “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”

But, what does that actually mean? And how do we go about experiencing spirituality in our lives?

We know we’re all unique human beings, having separate yet interconnected life experiences. So is the way we experience spirituality separate yet interconnected as well?

Wanting to gain more insight into spirituality, and how it’s experienced through a multitude of lenses, rather than a singular view, I asked readers, friends, and strangers this question:

What is spirituality and how do you experience it?

Here’s what they had to say:

Spirituality and Love

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“For me, spirituality can be distilled to love. You experience it by asking yourself in every situation how you can be more loving. Particularly in the moment that is difficult with people who you wouldn’t really want to give that love to. So in a way, you are finding God in every situation.” – Vanessa Vite

Spirituality and the Self

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“For me, spirituality is about a sense of self, creation and your place in the world. It’s a sense of gratitude for the things you have been given and purpose for those things that you desire to build your life. It’s a sense of your place in existence and where or what you can be.” – Simon Farnell

Spirituality and Purpose

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“It’s about being the best I can be, for others and for myself as well as acknowledging that I am here for a specific purpose. Also, that it’s the journey of life that is important and how we handle the setbacks, plus the recognition that we create our own futures by our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions, be they negative or positive.” – Christine Overton

Spirituality and Nature

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“I would say that to me it would mean anything to do with our true nature. I experience it through breathing, meditation, reflection, prayer, nature, children, the very elderly…and sometimes even through seeing someone who is sick and suffering, or differently abled. I also experience it by looking up at the sky, seeing the sun, moon, and stars, watching the cloud, hugging a tree, listening to the wind, hearing the ocean etc.” – Richard Rawski 

Spirituality and Family

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“For me, it’s loving my daughter.” – Fiona Hansen

Spirituality and Awareness

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“To me, spirituality is knowing yourself and the world around you; being aware. It’s knowing that the Gods and spirits of many kinds exist and are near. It’s connecting with yourself, your surroundings, the elements, the currents of magic that run through the world, the Gods, and spirits. 

To experience spirituality in life, you learn. Learn about yourself in your wholeness, your perfect imperfection. Learn about the place you live and the nuances of the lands, waters, and skies. Discover new things, collect bits of information, find new techniques and incorporate them into your life and spiritual practice. Have a spiritual practice. Spend time each day or week or month meditating, connecting, and doing rituals (big or small, it’s the intention and connectivity that counts). Be in tune with the rhythms of Nature: the Sun, Moon, stars, seasons, Earth.” – Shei Oriad

Spirituality and Energy

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Do You Experience It?

“For me, spirituality is about the human ability to tap into the unseen world of energies that are always following around us, and connecting us to everything in this plane of existance. It’s about looking deep inside of ourselves. Religion without spirituality is like cooking without water, or sailing without an ocean.” – A.V

Spirituality and Spirits

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Can You Experience It?

“My view regarding Spirituality is that there can be more than one God. I believe that there are Goddesses that are also part of your path. They help you to make sense of your path and are always there for you.

When I was small I always believed there was more to life than what my parents and church told me. Through life’s ups and downs, you realize you never truly alone, even if physically you are. The Universe hears you, and answers you, but not always the way you think it should.” – Ida Blake

Spirituality and Gratitude

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Do You Experience It?

“I think, in retrospect, my spiritual practice is in making sure to be grateful everyday, and in trying to be awake to the signs guiding me onto the path that is my right path. I believe we all have our place in the dance.” – Anonymous

Spirituality and Remembering

Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Do You Experience It?

“For me, Spirituality is the practice of remembering. 

Remembering that we are part of the Earth, instead of the owners and masters of the land and our animal siblings. 

Remembering the power of our thought, word, and deed and using them consciously.

Remembering the purpose we came here for.

Remembering that each step and stumble is perfectly aligned and that we are, have always been and will always be, enough.

Remembering to always return to center, to listen to our deep truths, and to show up for this beautiful opportunity that is life.” – Daphne Moon 

After receiving all of these responses a few things became obvious: 

  1. There is no one size fits all when it comes to spirituality  — instead, there infinite ways to interpret and experience it
  2. You don’t need to be a monk, attend church every Sunday or fast for weeks on end to be a spiritual person
  3. Any experience, no matter how big or small, can be spiritual 
  4. At our core, we are all spiritual beings continually evoking spiritual experiences in a variety of ways
  5. Spirituality, above all else, is rooted in giving and receiving love to yourself, others and the world around you.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin summed it up nicely when he said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of love you

And truly, we are…



About Antasha Durbin: Antasha is a spiritual writer, life-long student of the universe, and psychic tarot card reader. Her website, cajspirituality.com, is dedicated to casualizing the spiritual experience and making it attainable for anyone, anywhere, anytime. Follow her for free, easy-to-digest and highly actionable advice on spirituality, mindfulness and empowered living.

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9 thoughts on “Spirituality: What is Spirituality and How Do You Experience It?

    1. Thank you, Simon. And thank you for sharing YOUR beautiful perspective and insight. I love all of the differing outlooks, and am in awe by the inspiration offered within each perspective!

    1. So happy you enjoyed it! I too, found these insights inspiring!

      Biggest love to you! Xx,

  1. I agree with them all.

    Spirituality is connecting, remembering and learning about ourselves, others and God.

    I love when I have a spiritual awakening.

    Its when no matter what situation I’m in when the light of love comes on I goes from unknowing to knowing.

    The more I give and receive love the greater the light.

    Great post!

  2. This was a lovely post! I like how you showed the varying responses people have to spirituality. For me, it is a way of inching closer to the truth and feeling connected with the whole world.😊

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