Inspired Living: How to Master the Art of Saying No in 5 Steps (And Why You Should Say No More Often)

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” – Paul Coehlo  Imagine the following scenario: it’s a Friday night and all of your friends are going out to dinner after work, and begging you to join them. Your boss wants you to stay late to help him with a project […]

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Inspired Living: 5 Things Every Woman Needs to do for Herself After She Becomes a Mom

“Self-love is the source of all our other loves.” – Pierre Corneille  When you become a mother it can be tempting to try to do everything yourself. You struggle to maintain your old life and you struggle to adjust to your new life. But, motherhood isn’t a solo practice. There’s a reason for the age-old […]

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How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food

The relationship we have with food is one of the most intimate we relationships we have in our life. Everyday (if we’re fortunate) we consume 2 to 3 meals — and what we put into our bodies impacts our overall health, wellbeing and happiness.

So what can you do to ensure you have a healthy and loving relationship with your food? Here are 5 things:

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3 Messages from the Other Side: Connecting with Loved Ones who have Passed On

Discover the profound ways in which our loved ones communicate with us from the other side. From synchronicities to dreams and intuition, learn how to receive messages of love and comfort from beyond.

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How to Manifest Your Dreams: A No-Nonsense Guide

If the Law of Attraction is real, then why are there so many people struggling to achieve their goals? If you’ve read The Secret or one of the other popular books on the Law of Attraction, you’ve probably heard about the importance of positive thinking, visualization, and goal setting. But did you ever wonder: “What […]

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3 Signs You’re Engaging in Toxic Spirituality (And What to Do if you Are)

More than ever people are turning to spirituality to gain a better understanding of the universe, themselves, and the soul journey. But there are many so-called ‘spiritual’ practices touted in modern society that aren’t rooted in spirituality at all. Instead, these practices encourage people to repress their emotions, ignore their issues and pretend everything is […]

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Book Review: Glimpses of Eternity (Sharing a Loved One’s Passage from This Life to the Next)

Is it possible to leave your body and travel with a loved one as they moved from this life to the next? According to Glimpses of Eternity, it is.

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God Frequency: The Healing Power of 963 HZ Vibrations

Music is powerful. It posses the unique ability to alter your mood, rewire your neurons, and even heal you. But music, just like food, isn’t all good for consumption. Some types of music will nourish you, while other types can leave you feeling agitated and angry. In this article, we’ll explore the God Frequency, also […]

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